Swimming in a swimming pond with pure water without chlorine or other chemicals: more and more people are opting for the natural beauty of a swimming pond. Great to swim in, but also lovely to look at. In the Sugar Valley AquaScenic water treatment unit, SIBO B.V., with its many years of experience in the pond sector and knowledge of the swimming-pool sector, has a perfect product, able to treat, filter and maintain swimming ponds.
Why the Sugar Valley AquaScenic?
- The only system on the market that is able to work with fresh water and without producing chlorine.
- Gives algae and biofi lm no chance to develop.
- Purifi es water (H2O) with its own components H and O.
- Copper (Cu) and silver (Ag) kill algae and bacteria and allow dirt particles to flocculate.
- Keeps water clear for years.
Technical specifications
The operating principle of hydrolysis oxidation is based on the ability of copper (Cu + +) and silver (Ag +), as flocculants an bactericides, and a hydrolysis system to break down water molecules into oxygen. ozone and peroxide. Together these components provide a complete water treatment on the basis of oxidation-fl occulation without chemicals.
In water with low conductivity(from 500 mS), OH, ozone, peroxide and oxygen are automatically produced locally to disinfect water. The system also contains a copper/silverioniser. There is no need to add salt. However, the system can work with >1 gram of salt/ litre so as to produce more chlorine. Salt concentration may range from 0 to 100 grams NaCl/litre. Hydrolysis breaks down water molecules (H2O) into H and O atoms, causing free radicals to be produced. These free radicals form oxidants that are stronger than chlorine: OH- (radical hydroxide), O (atomic oxygen), O3 (ozone), H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) and O2 (oxygen). The advantage of this is that these radicals disinfect within seconds and then revert to water, so no harmful by-products are created, as happens with chlorine. Besides these free radicals a small amount of sodium hypochlorite is produced, thereby guaranteeing a residual eff ect in the pool.
The additional copper/silver ionisation causes a huge increase in the strength of the hydrolysis. The antibacterial and algicidal properties of copper/silver ionisation are supplemented by the high oxidation strength of the hydrolysis system and together they result in a natural water purifi cation process without the addition of chemicals.

Type |
M3 <28°C |
M3 > 28°C |
Aquascenic HD1 |
TA131 |
65 |
40 |
Aquascenic HD2 |
TA133 |
110 |
80 |
Aquascenic HD3 |
TA135 |
200 |
125 |
Redox option with sensor for the electrolysis control
pH option with sensor for the measuring/control (excl. dosing pump)
Dosing pump to control the pH

Optimale desinfectie zwemwater

Pool control en desinfectie in één


Lange levensduur
SIBO Fluidra Netherlands B.V.
Doornhoek 3950
5465 TC Veghel (NL)